[Tableau — Blocks]
Driven by curiosity
Aug 2020 - Jan 2022
It's not about building band-aids. It's about asking "why?" enough that you've dug deep and uncovered the root cause.
Understand the reasoning behind users' asks and find the hidden pattern across user needs to deliver what users didn't even know they wanted.
Myself and a technical architect software engineer
Simple request
It started with a simple ask. I was a designer on the Analytics team at Tableau, and users wanted better, richer data tables. They wanted tables to be easier to build, customizable ordering of columns and sorting, and the ability to add conditional formatting and sparklines. Tableau's experience shines in creating visualizations of all types, but the experience for tables, as one of the most basic ways to view data, was lacking.
If only simple asks always had simple solutions. Tableau began life as a PhD thesis. The core insight that built the domain-defining product was a formalism, internally called VizQL, that enabled combining the query-building and visualization-defining steps into a single drag-and-drop exploratory experience. Fields from the underlying data source are shown as "pills" that can be dropped onto encoding channels, defined as "shelves" in the Tableau interface. The fields in play and how they are encoded define the query that needs to be built. The query returns a single result set table that is then used to create the visualization. Users loved skipping preliminary setup steps, such as building queries, the ability for deep insight without knowing SQL, and the playful, free-form experience that supported the wandering needed for the process of analysis.
The core challenge, though, was that many rich table needs required multiple queries at different levels of detail to be built. This was incongruent with Tableau's approach, and thus, it wasn't clear how to build it into the product in a robust way.
Painful workarounds
However, the Tableau community is incredibly creative. A quick search of the forums showed many examples of users explaining how to build rich tables. The write-ups showed extensive steps and clarified that it wasn't easy. Many viewed tables as a basic visualization, and the fact that the user base had to build complicated workarounds was a source of frustration.
The workarounds involved using Tableau calcs to manually add columns to the result set table for layout logic. Hard-coding layout logic into your data produces extremely fragile dashboards that can break in various ways and pull users out of the flow of analysis, undermining Tableau's key goal.
When I chatted with an experienced architect on the team, he connected the core problem of rich tables to the core problem of map layers. Users wanted the ability to add different visualization layers to maps. The challenge with this was identical to that of rich tables. It required multiple query result sets to produce the multiple layers users expected to be able to draw. We didn't have two different problems, but the core challenge was the same for both.
With this realization, I moved my desk to sit next to this architect, and we proceeded to fill whiteboard after whiteboard with sketches and ideas to address this fundamental issue. We pored over the original thesis that built VizQL and spoke with the author, Chris Stolte. We reached out to people from across Tableau, got feedback from users, and created many prototypes. An idea started to emerge.
We created Blocks. It was an evolution of Tableau's formalism that incorporated layout information into the process of analysis. We assembled a team of engineers and built a functional prototype for a company-wide hackathon. This prototype won the hackathon and brought more attention to our proposal. We ran a user study and wrote a paper. This paper won the best paper in such and such.
However, when you build a platform used by many, you can't simply change how it works at the core. Instead, you need to balance tactical features you can ship today that move you in the direction of the long term vision you developed.
I worked with the teams to ship improvements for building tables, and laid the groundwork for the map layers feature. I also partnered with other teams to improve other scenarios where information at multiple levels of detail needs to be visualized.
Separately, I partnered with several developers to design, build and user test a functional prototype that details the longer term vision we have to expand the system.
Following the path of investigation led us turning a simple ask into a proposal of a fundamental shift for the product. While we built up great momentum for our concept, and found a lot of support and positive feedback, it is clearly not always right to try to push something with decades of momentum.